What is a Walls to Bridges (W2B) course?

W2B courses are classes that include both incarcerated students and campus-based students. The classes are for-credit and take place within jails, prisons and community correctional sites.

Where are Walls to Bridges courses currently being offered?

So far, courses have been offered through the University of Winnipeg, Toronto Metropolitan University, York University, McMaster University, Trent University, Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Windsor, Renison College at the University of Waterloo, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto St. George Campus, the University of Toronto Mississauga, University of Alberta, Capilano University, Queen’s University, Durham College, and American University of Paris, Paris France.

How can Walls to Bridges come to my campus?

It starts with an interested educator attending the Walls to Bridges Instructor Training, where they learn the pedagogy and how to set up a program. Contact info@wallstobridges.ca if you are an instructor wanting to take the training!

I am a Professor: How can I get trained as a Walls to Bridges instructor?

We offer an annual five-day Instructor Training in Kitchener, Ontario. Contact info@wallstobridges.ca for an application. All applicants are interviewed by one of our collective members. SEE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING FOR MORE INFORMATION AND WAITLIST >

I am a Student: How do I take a course?

Students are selected by the instructor. All students must apply to be a part of a W2B class by sending the instructor a letter of interest. Incarcerated students apply through the contact at the correctional facility. Potential students will be interviewed by the instructor to ensure readiness and suitability for this type of experiential learning experience.

Do you offer training for people wanting to work with criminalized populations?

No. Our classes are about learning together as peers and building a community together; they are not training grounds for mentoring, counselling or research. The only training program we offer is for instructors who want to facilitate Walls to Bridges classes and to establish a postsecondary program of their own. SEE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING >

Do all students in Walls to Bridges courses get credits?

Yes! Educational institutions that participate in providing Walls to Bridges offer credits to all students who have successfully completed a W2B course.

Will my credits be transferable?

Your credits should be transferable. We thank the registrars at participating schools for making this possible. Check with your school, as most have a limit of number of transfer credits.

What sorts of assignments are given in Walls to Bridges courses?

Assignments include readings, reflection papers and collaborative group projects. Assignments are designed with the knowledge that not all students will have access to the Internet. Class participation is a very important part of the coursework: respectful listening and self-reflection are as important as spoken contributions.

What are the impacts of Walls to Bridges?

Students report that W2B dispels stereotypes and encourages commitment to social action; they also describe the transformative effects of holistic learning. See “Walls to Bridges: Report on the Impact on Students”. Further research explores the impacts on correctional institutions. See report on “Impact of Walls to Bridges Classes on Correctional Facilities”.