Instructor Training Waitlist:

Complete this form to be added to the application waitlist for the Walls to Bridges annual five-day intensive instructor training at Grand Valley Institution for Women in Kitchener, Ontario. The W2B team will contact you if a space opens.


W2B Instructor Training Information

We provide an annual five-day intensive instructor training for educators wishing to learn the W2B pedagogical model and establish partnerships between their own educational institutions and local correctional facilities. Trainings take place predominately at Grand Valley Institution for Women in Kitchener, Ontario and are led by incarcerated and non-incarcerated alumni of W2B classes and W2B instructors.

Our trainings are experiential; participants actively engage in the pedagogical processes that are foundational to the W2B classroom. This means you will be asked to engage in holistic learning involving mind, body, spirit and emotions. A focus on self-awareness, reflexivity, social justice, and non-hierarchical facilitation are fundamental to our training. Within this framework, participants will:

  • Learn how to develop partnerships between educational and correctional institutions.
  • Learn experiential activities such as applied theatre and circle pedagogies to explore course content and develop curriculum.
  • Understand the unique dynamics of a W2B classroom
  • Learn how to ‘facilitate’ versus ‘instruct’
  • Experience a collaborative learning community within a prison setting.